Supporting Independent Living
People with a disability resulting in high care needs can live an independent and fulfilling life, through matching individualised supports and purpose-built accommodation.
Specialist Disability Accommodation refers to accommodation built specifically for people with very high support needs. The main purpose of SDA housing is to minimize the amount of support someone might need in their home from other people, such as Support Workers or guardian supports. SDA refers to the bricks and mortar that can be designed in such a way to make your space as functional as possible for you.
Why choose us
TLCS is a unique organisation which helps participants in need of home support to receive that support in the way they prefer.
TLCS offers a range of options for personalised home support based on participant NDIS approved budget
TLCS offers a range of options for personalised home support based on participant NDIS approved budget
Program Resources
Below you can download our program referral form and other useful resources